Monday, March 28, 2011

He Says, She Says

Women are far more complicated than men. Our minds constantly try to interpret some greater meaning in their words and actions, but the truth is simple: men operate on the surface. We can analyze them as much as we want, but what we see is what we get. When it comes to men, sometimes it is what it is.

Reading too much into the world of men can only leave us confused. Whether we are trying to pull some small fragment of positivity from what is clearly a negative message, or focusing too much on the negative and completely dissolving the positive, our in depth assessments will never do us any good.

We refuse to accept the simplicity in the fact that men say what they mean.  Rather than seeing the big picture, we break down their actions and choose what meaning we want to give them. We end up either holding on to some miniscule of hope and ignoring the reality of the situation, or we become obsessed with focusing on the wrong, in spite of everything that is right.

Text messages seem to be the most dangerous form of communication for a woman in need of more profound answers. With nothing but a few written words to base a response off of, she will somehow derive an additional message from the original. She becomes the creator of some non-existent text and disregards fact, which is literally spelled out for her. Her fictitious thinking can only hurt her.

Bottom line: Don't drive yourself crazy trying to decode him. Remember that men say what they mean and mean what they say.


  1. I agree, some men don't think too much into the relationship like girls do. Maybe the guys should start thinking a little bit more though..

  2. I couldn't agree more. Men don't seem to understand that women don't think in black and white and why sometimes a simple answer just won't cut it. Then they wonder why we get upset...

  3. We end up either holding on to some miniscule of hope and ignoring the reality of the situation.

    Couldnt have said it better myself ! The complete truth, we look for any reason to hang on, but whats the point?

  4. I agree, girls read way too much into things. If there's something he wants you to know he will tell you. Trying to decode what he says will only drive you crazy.
