Thursday, March 6, 2014

Blast from the Past

Familiar with the famed flick "Back to the Future"? If not, here's a quick synopsis: A young boy (Marty McFly) meets a crazy scientist (Doc) who has a car that sends him 30 years back in time. Essentially, Doc stresses how detrimental it is that Marty not tamper with things in the past because "the consequences of that could be disastrous" for his future. In true cinematic fashion, he does and, they are. 

Much like with relationships, meddling with the past can lead to not so desirable future results. While the consequences may not be deemed as disastrous as Marty's predicament, chasing after an ex lover in hopes of changing the present can get ugly.

Countless women and men are guilty of "time traveling" by trying to make things work again with a former flame - always expecting a different outcome. The on again, off again nonsense is enough to make anyone's head spin, so why do it? 

We sometimes get so invested in being in love that we forget the circumstantial things that actually make or break a relationship. We simply remember our feelings for that person or nostalgic past experiences and forget that love is not always enough - its existence doesn't secure a flawless courtship or guaranteed "forever".

Convincing ourselves that the extent of what we feel for someone is directly correlated to relationship success is foolish. Love is easy to find, but things like loyalty, commitment, respect and trust do not automatically accompany it. There are reasons people break up, and no amount of emotion can overcome the hard facts of why things ended in the first place.

Thinking of rekindling things with a past fling? Before boarding that train (or car, to keep on track with the movie theme), use these seven tips to guide your journey, and remember: Before you take back an ex, think of why your relationship got the axe.