Friday, April 22, 2011

My Achy Breaky Heart

The days, weeks and months that it can take to bounce back from a painful breakup are inevitable. No one is immune to heartache, but there are ways of learning to properly cope with the hurt. Follow these tips to ensure a healthy road to getting back up after a tough breakup.

1. DON'T think that immediately throwing yourself into the arms of another guy will heal you. While occupying your time with him may take the edge off, you will never get over your ex until you learn to be okay with being single

2. DO surround yourselves with friends and family who you can talk to and lean on for support. Your relationships with them will do you far more good than rushing into any fling. The love and happiness they provide will fill any empty space in your heart

3. DON'T use social media to find out what your ex is up to. Make sure that you disconnect yourself from him. Nothing is worse than hanging onto the remnants of a relationship casualty via a facebook page or a twitter status. The heartache will only linger if you refuse to accept separation

4. DO think about the faults in the relationship and the things that could be improved in the future. Always acknowledge the very real possibility of finding another love. Dwelling on a failed relationship leaves no room for romance

5. DON'T obsess over how things could have been or how you could have changed.  The right guy will love you for who you are. Relationships aren't easy, but remember that there are always two people involved. Don't saddle yourself with all the blame: Everyone makes mistakes

6. DO allow yourself to feel. Nothing is more dangerous when in the process of mending a broken heart than to pretend that the ache does not exist. Let the hurt, fear, anger and sadness surface. You will feel much better, and heal faster, once these emotions are released

7. DON'T let him get to you. After a breakup, he may want to be friends. Allow yourself time to be alone and move past loving him before you decide if you can handle, and if he is worth, friendship

8. DO live your life. It is amazing how freeing being single can be. Focus on your happiness above all else. Once you are content with yourself, then you can take the step to being content with someone else

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS POST! Have been down this road many times... Looking back on my first big breakups, these are all of the things I should have been doing, but instead I found myself doing the don'ts.

    You live, you feel, and you learn. Thankfully I realize now what it takes to heal properly- but it's very nice to have them written down in case I ever forget... :)
