Friday, March 4, 2011

Date Night

"Dating" is considered the stage leading up to a relationship, and once we pass this step we sometimes forget its importance.  Yes, getting to know each other is primarily reserved for the courting period, but it is also critical when it comes to making a relationship last.  We can never stop learning about our significant other, and dating is a fun and exciting way to do it. This time together allows us to continuously relive the excitement of something new and to generate (and maintain) the spark that attracted us to someone in the first place, and that can keep us together.

Date night, for my purposes, is not solely characterized by "going out" but also by staying in. Doing things together and planning time reserved for two is what establishes a night (or day) as a date. Renting a movie, walking through the city, grabbing drinks, cooking dinner and visiting local museums or gardens are all fun things to do. Personally, there's no date night that I enjoy better than choosing a recipe off the Food Network and fumbling my way through it with the one I love. Aside from providing alone time, this activity can bring two people closer together as they work toward a common end.  This end, of course, is not just the satisfaction of a job well done but also being able to enjoy a romantic meal for two.  If you're not too quick in the kitchen, baking is easier, and nothing says "I love you" better than sweets!

In honor of the weekend, think up something romantic, silly, fun, or crazy to do with your man and remember that dates are not just for those who are dating. Happy Friday!


  1. I feel like "dating" without actually being "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" used to exist. Whatever happened to that?! I'm all for testing the waters before diving into (often shark-infested) waters. But I feel like going out on a date is so stressful nowadays. She's freaking out about who should call whom first and when, probably before appetizers... He's wondering how far he'll be getting tonight. What ever happened to good company and good conversation, with a little innocent flirtation?? Maybe I've seen one too many rom coms...

  2. I think dating is so0o0o important!! Dating helps you to get to know the person so that you can decide whether or not you're a good match BEFORE you two commit to each other. I think people often rush into relationships simply because dating in itself has become so rare in our generation. Two people should be able to enjoy one another's company without all the stress of wondering where the relationship is going
